WOMEN WE ADMIRE: Padmini Nathan
Padmini Nathan, past Board President and continued supporter, shares her thoughts on the influence Daya has has on her life:

For many years I knew about Daya’s services to the Houston community but did not get an opportunity to be actively involved. So when the time came I was happy to join the Board. I served as a Board member and President for 2 terms. At the time, Daya was a relatively young organization with 1 full time staff member, operating from a small donated office space .
I have always been a firm believer that “it is in giving that we receive.” The entire journey taught me several skills that have stayed with me to date. I truly did receive so much more that what I gave.
I learned to:
Listen …really listen with humility & compassion.
Be nonjudgmental.
Be respectful of the clients & fully understand the importance of confidentiality.
Wake up & go to sleep daily with gratitude to have the opportunity to serve.
Learn from each other – from fellow Board members and staff
And, learn from our clients’ experiences, their courage, & their success
I am very happy to see Daya’s progress over the last few years and the expanded scope of services they provide. I continue to support Daya because of their exemplary service. Congratulations on 25 years to the Board, Staff, and Clients.