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Who am I?

by Gayatri Joshi, MSW, CFSW | Daya Client Advocate

Thanks to one of my professors, Dr. Abha Brown from the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, for requiring her class to complete the "I am From" assignment. From my perspective, the purpose of the assignment is to identify and explore what makes an individual who they are and how, or even why. An individual's experiences, environment, culture, and other factors shape an individual to be who they are. From this assignment, I gained a sense of power with being vulnerable; self-aware, and empowered. I have recited and shared this poem many times and every time I feel a little more power and strength about my dual identity.

Trigger points and notes: Some of the words such as needles, cuts, scars are about my surgery scars and health issues. Not related to domestic or family violence.

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