A Love Letter to My Future Self by Shyama Lalita

A Daya client pens a letter to her future self, reflecting on her journey and how she has transformed her life story from the shadows of past abuse.
Dear Shyama Lalita,
I still can’t believe you did it! From what you had told me, it felt like it could never happen. And that it probably wasn’t worth the effort anyway. Yet, here you are, a living proof of what life could be when you stand up for yourself, trust yourself and take a leap of faith.
I still remember how many years you denied the abuse, the pain and the trauma. I remember vividly the shivering, the crying, the anxiety thoughts, the self doubt and the unnecessary tolerance you had gone through. And look at you now. You have accepted yourself fully and you are again laughing on the smallest of things. Every morning, when you wake up, you look forward to spending the day, having new experiences, facing new challenges and enjoying the moments you share with your friends and family. There is no judgement and no regret. You have done the best thing by looking at your past as a mere stepping stone to your glorious future instead of a dead-end. Now when I look at you smiling so freely, trusting yourself and the world again, following your heart and your dreams, and deeply embracing and cherishing all that you have in life, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and joy. You are truly an inspiration for so many people… an inspiration to love and respect themselves as they are, instead of abusing themselves.
I am very grateful to have been on this special journey with you where step-by-step you have overcome the negative and self-limiting thoughts and opened yourself to the peace and abundance that the universe has to offer. You truly deserve the wonderful life you are living right now.
Please always remind yourself of this journey you went through, which are the roots of your life, so you can always understand others who are going through it and reach out your hand to help them out of it, just the way others have done to you.
You were, are and will always be truly wonderful.
With love,
Your Old Self.